Established : 2003-7
Headquarters : Lions Mansion The 3rd ,No.111., 3-11-17 Shirogane,Minato-Ku, Tokyo Japan
Paid-in-capital : 10,000,000 Yen (~= US$ 100,000)
Aim of Company:
  1. Translation & Interpretation for +(49) language
  2. Develop & Design a website
  3. Travel Services & Sales
  4. Market Research :
    1. Art Exhibitions Planning
    2. Sales & Purchasing Art work/Export & Import
    3. Publeshing planning/Publishing and sales
    4. Advertising & Advertising relations
    5. All business related to the above Goals Business Development Solution & Development (Market research etc.) Culture consulting (Egypt & Middle East)
Dec ,20 2019 , For more info Please contact:
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